Is an apple macbook good for gaming
Is an apple macbook good for gaming

is an apple macbook good for gaming is an apple macbook good for gaming

Realistically, Apple computers can last for much longer performing at the same level before starting to break down. Apple computers boast a long lifespan even when used every day, with the average machine lasting for well over four years before being replaced. eGPU support means Apple computers can now also be given additional graphics performance capabilities for professional apps, VR content creation, and, of course, for gaming.įinally, Apple computers are becoming more popular as people want to use their new or used Apple computers as an all-in-one device, rather than buying a dedicated gaming computer alongside their casual devices. eGPUs are external graphics processing units, which are designed to be plugged in and used in addition to your computer to improve its performance when completing very resource-intensive tasks. Higher end Apple computers also now come with eGPU support as standard. By contrast, Metal has an incredibly positive reception among the game development (and professional app development) community, which means more Apple computer support for gaming is likely in the coming years. This, in turn, led to Apple devices being poorly prepared for gaming. In the past, Apple used OpenGL API but stopped seriously supporting the API since at least 2011. The recent introduction of Metal API in 2014 (and Metal 2 in 2017) means a new or used Apple computer can render 3D graphics and shading quicker than ever before. In particular, the MacBook Pro and the iMac are fantastic high-power devices that can keep up with the most intense modern games. Why are Apple Computers Now Good for Gaming?Īpple computers are all top-of-the-line at what they do. In this blog article, we talk about gaming on an Apple device, whether you should do it, and how to get the most out of your Apple computer for gaming! At the same time, though, more users are turning to Macs for their gaming experience, and developers are becoming more and more open to producing or configuring games to run on OS X. The console wars might still be waging, but the power of a personal desktop computer or portability of playing on a laptop has made PCs extremely popular. Nowadays gaming on your computer is becoming more and more popular.

Is an apple macbook good for gaming